Pomoc (F2)
[20170] Artykuł:

A Method of Assessing Parameters of Air-Void Structure in Air-Entrained Concretes

Czasopismo: Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture   Tom: 9, Zeszyt: 7, Strony: 798-806
ISSN:  1934-7359
Opublikowano: Wrzesień 2015
Liczba arkuszy wydawniczych:  0.50
  Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy
Imię i nazwisko Wydział Katedra Procent
Wioletta KozakWBiAKatedra Technologii i Organizacji Budownictwa *****502.50  
Jerzy Wawrzeńczyk orcid logoWBiAKatedra Technologii i Organizacji Budownictwa *****502.50  

Grupa MNiSW:  Recenzowana publikacja w języku innym niż polski w zagranicznym czasopiśmie spoza listy
Punkty MNiSW: 5

DOI LogoDOI    

Distribution of air pore sizes  distribution of aggregate grain sizes  protected paste area  numerical model of the porosity of the concrete. 


The air-void size distribution and number of air voids are crucial characteristics of air-entrainment. The standard spacing factor L is based on the Powers model, in which considerable simplifications are assumed. A better solution is provided by the Philleo factor, which determines the percentage content of protected paste located at a distance S from the edge of the nearest air void. Developing the concept put forward by Philleo, a method of determining the volume of protected paste on the basis of images generated from the numerical model of concrete grain structure including layout of aggregate-paste-air, is proposed. It is the ratio of the volume of the paste protected by air voids to the total paste volume. The PPV (protected paste volume) index accounts not only for sizes and number of air voids, but also for the role of aggregate particles in the placement of these pores, which is often disregarded in analyses. The PPV results obtained from image analysis were compared with standard spacing factor L and with the parameter developed by Philleo. The analyses conducted by the authors shows that accounting for aggregate grains in calculations substantially affects the assessment of the quality of the air-pore structure.