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[3572] Artykuł:

Analiza zaworu stosowanego do redukcji ciśnienia w zbiorniku paliwa płynnego

(Analysis of the value used for pressure reduction in a liquid fuel tank.)
Czasopismo: Zagadnienia Eksploatacji Maszyn   Tom: 40, Zeszyt: 4, Strony: 99-104
ISSN:  0137-5474
Opublikowano: 2005
  Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy
Imię i nazwisko Wydział Katedra Procent
Zbigniew Szcześniak orcid logoWEAiIKatedra Urządzeń i Systemów Automatyki *****1006.00  

Grupa MNiSW:  Publikacja w recenzowanym czasopiśmie wymienionym w wykazie ministra MNiSzW (część B)
Punkty MNiSW: 6

Web of Science LogoYADDA/CEON    
Słowa kluczowe:

zawór redukcji ciśnienia dla zbiorników paliw płynnych  zawór redukcyjny wyposażony w siatkę przeciwogniową 


pressure reducing valve for liquid fuel tanks  pressure reducing valve equipped with the fire grid 


W artykule przedstawiono budowę i zasadę działania zaworu do redukcji ciśnienia, powstającego w zbiorniku cysterny do przewozu paliw płynnych. Określono zakresy ciśnień, przy których następuje redukcja ciśnienia. Przedstawiono schemat funkcjonalny działania zaworu. Wskazano wpływ konstrukcji układu ruchu grzybka zaworu na jego dynamikę.


In hydraulic systems at least one maximum valve for pressure limiting is used. It can prevent the system from pressure increase over the limited value or keep the system pressure constant. Construction and principle of operation of the pressure reducing valve in the tank for liquid fuel has been presented in the paper. The construction of the analysed valve enables to switch it on within three ranges of pressure. At normal tank exploitation conditions and slow pressure increase the valve opens at 30/100 mbar (state I). At the quick increase of the overpressure inside the tank, the valve opens at 200/300 mbar (state II). At that pressure, the valve opens also at the tank emergency tilt of minimum 30 degrees. Within the pressure range of 200/300 mbar two steps of the reduction valve work (step I and II), giving the maximum valve opening for the gas flow. At the underpressure occuring in the tank the valve opens at 6/18 mbar (state III). Functional diagram of the valve operation has been also presented. Influence of the valve head movement construction system on its dynamics has been shown. The valve has been presented as a vibratory system consisting of a mass, a spring and a damper. It has been assumed that the spring characteristics is linear, the damping is proportional to the valve mass movement speed and the dry friction is negligible. When designing the valve for a determined exploitation parameters, the valve construction should be taken into account to select the appropriate damping in its system. Damping of the reduction valve head vibrations during its displacement ensures the stable work in normal exploitation process. During normal operation the valve is equipped with the fire grid, which efficiently prevents from flame penetration into the valve, and also into the tank in case of fire hazard. Such a solution enables storing of the fuel in various environmental conditions. The valve presented in the paper has been experimentally tested to check its functionality in case of fire hazard.